Wednesday, January 25, 2012


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Jack is growing.  He just lost his first tooth last night!!!  It has been loose for a couple of weeks now, but he did not want Dan or I to touch it!  But last night as I was brushing his teeth, I just pushed it backwards to see how loose it was and it just popped out, it was ready!  He was a little bit freaked out at first when he saw the blood, but quickly changed his attitude when I told him about the tooth fairy.  He's saving his $ for a new Nintendo DS game so he was excited this morning to find some $ under his pillow.  
I also got him dressed this morning for school and his pants were 'high-waters'.  I swear those jeans just fit him last week.  We've got a growing little boy.  :)  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tid Bits...

I hate to admit it, but I was SOOO ready for the kids to go back to school after 3 weeks of Christmas Break.  The kids and I do better on a routine!  I've never felt that way before, but we kept very busy during break and so it's nice to have some time to catch up, and get my house back in order.  It was like a constant tornado in our house for three straight weeks.  Things are finally starting to 'settle'.   Here are a few of the things (besides all the Christmas stuff) that kept us busy...

We went to an Avalanche game (this was actually a while ago, but I never posted pics from it)...
Dan's work gave us 4 tickets!  Their company buys season tickets and sponsors the team so each office takes turns going, it was fun!  Thanks Britt for watching Olivia for us!

The boys started karate...
They have only earned their white belts, but it is so much fun seeing them out there on the mat!  KJ gets really in to it.  Jack...not so much!

Dan and Keaton went shooting...

We tried ice skating for the first time as a family...
Jack wasn't too thrilled with the idea but did enjoy sitting on the cone while we pushed him around the rink.  KJ was a pro and needed no help from mom or dad.  And little Liv now wants to be a figure skater.  She had no fear and raced around that rink.  And no, we don't typically go out in public in all matching 'Duck' gear, but the ducks had their bowl game that day!

The Ducks won their bowl game...
Which made for a happy home!

We found a new and fun park to play at...

 where Jack FINALLY learned how to do the Monkey bars (a BIG accomplishment)...

We went swimming...
I love a good 'community' pool center!

We also went to a few movies, which is always the kids favorite thing to do.  We loved them all!  We saw the new Muppet Movie, Puss In Boots, and Adventures of TinTin.  All GREAT movies that I'd recommend seeing!!!  

Now I'm off to start cleaning out closets and secretly weeding thru unused toys.  It's that time of year I like to de-clutter.  

Hope you all have a great New Year!  We are ready for the New Year that lies ahead of us...let's hope it's another great one!