Tuesday, August 23, 2011

back to school...

We survived yet another first day of school!!!  I always DREAD this day.  I try so hard to be calm so that the boys don't sense my anxiety, but as soon as the first bell rings and they head in to their classrooms, I instantly get watery eyes.  It did help that this year they were both super excited to start school.  Not sure why, I like summer vacation much better.  Maybe it's the fact that they are going to a school this year called BACON Elementary.  :)  
(Bob Bacon who the school is named after is a Senator here in Colorado) 
When we were first looking at moving to this area we thought it would be so funny to have the kids go to this school.  Anyone who knows Dan knows why this is so ironic.  Anyway...turns out that this school was recommended by everyone in the area as having the best program for kids with Aspergers. So our quest was to find a good rental in the school district and we did!  So far the school has been amazing.  It has great resource/therapy/aid help, is very organized, all the teachers are very friendly, it is state-of-the-art being so new, the principle already knows our names, I signed on to help in the PTA and as a classroom helper in both the boys classes, and they have a HUGE playground which is the most important thing according to KJ. KJ has a male teacher which he was thrilled about!  This is his teacher's first year of teaching which can either be good or bad.  We think it will be good, he's very excited and enthusiastic about teaching and has lots and lots of good ideas for fun learning!  When we met his teacher we learned that he has wanted to be a third grade teacher for the past 14 years, when he himself was a third grader, which makes him about 22-23 years old, which makes me feel very, very old.  KJ got 'student-of-the-day' on the first day of school so he got to sit in the special 'black' chair!  We met some great kids while waiting in the class line and by the time school started KJ said he had already made 3 new friends.  When I picked him up from school he said this is the COOLEST school he's ever been to and that this year will be his favorite year EVER.  He gets to be on the 2nd floor with the 'older' classes, so he thinks he's pretty cool.  Let's hope it stays that way.  
As for Jack, he is the one that had me most nervous.  Dan keeps telling me that he will do just fine, but I worry about all the little things.  I worry that he wont eat enough at lunch (which is bad because of his metabolic disorder), I worry the nurse wont give him his meds on time, I worry he may feel left out at recess, I worry people wont be as patient with him as they should be, I worry he wont know how to tell the teacher if he is behind or struggling with something, I worry he wont be able to put the straw in his juice box or open his string cheese, with Jack I worry about all the little things that are so normal for typical kids.  He is my baby.  He's needed me a little bit more that my other 2 children and he has required much, much more attention, so having him gone all day instead of just a few hours at a time is a very big adjustment for me.  He's been my focus for the past 5 years.  He definitely holds a special place in my heart and it's only 1:40 in the afternoon and I'm already missing him dearly.  But I also know that this Independence is just what he needs.  He needs to learn to be social, he needs to learn to share, he needs to learn all kinds of things on his own...without me guiding him.  I know he will have a great year.  He was most excited that he sits by a girl named Lucy which is his newest cousins name.  He is also excited that he gets to eat lunch at school out of a Mario Kart lunch box.  It's the little things that make Jack happy and I will definitely miss that during the day.  I have a couple more weeks of Olivia all to myself before she starts Pre-K, 3 half-days a week.  I am definitely going to have to start a new hobby next year when all three kids are in school all day.  But for now, I will work 2 days a week at the school and play catch-up on my one free half-day of the week!  I'm sure there will be many more school day posts....stay tuned!

The traditional first day of school picture!

I had to get a picture in front of the school sign,
it's too cool of a name not to!

Testing out the playground before school!

Third graders lining up for the first bell.  His new teacher
is in the blue shirt.

His new friends!  YAY!

Jack is just too cool for school!
Love this little guy!

Excited to be a Bacon Bulldog!

This will probably be Jack's favorite subject...recess!

Having popsicles after I picked them up!  They survived their
first day!


Anonymous said...

Those kids are getting so big way too fast. I hear its good for boys to have a male teacher. Some research Tasha was telling me about.

Yay! for a great school

The Gilleys said...

I love that Jack likes who he sits by because of his little cousin. But I'm sad that the name is getting so common! What a cute post Tiff. Reading about Jack brought tears to my eyes. I love him too! Hope everything is just going great for that little man!

michelle said...

Made me cry when you mentioned sticking the straw in his juice box or opening his string cheese...we all worry about little Jack, but he will be fine. He's such fun blessing in our lives as are Keaton and Olivia. What would we ever do without them. Cute Post Tiffy.

KimnSam said...

such cute little guys! Your oldest reminds me a lot of my Reese! They kinda look similar in their glasses even. Thanks for you comment on our pictures - it was right next to my parents house off the side of their driveway, yes in French Gulch! :) Hope you guys have a great year!!

Mommy Moni said...

Oh Tiff! You are such an amazing Mom! xoxo