I have to admit that last night I went to bed a little bit sad. I knew that in the morning it would be Mother's Day and that with Dan out of town, it meant that I may just be forgotten this year. I'm not saying that I expected my kids to spoil me today, but come on, they are 7, 4 and 3 years old, how much can they really do!?! When Dan is home I get totally spoiled....breakfast in bed, I'm not allowed to cook or do dishes or even clean the house and I figured with him gone, it would be just as any other typical day would be. I let the boys sleep with me last night. They love to do that on the weekends when Dan's gone. Around 8:00 this morning (yes we got to sleep in!), my sweet little Olivia crawled in to bed with me and cuddled up close. We all lay together for a good half hour or so and I realized right then that I didn't need to be spoiled, my kids were my gifts, the best gifts I could ever ask for. They are the reason I even have the chance to celebrate this wonderful holiday we call Mother's Day. I was right, they did forget that it was Mother's Day! Right up until my dad rang the doorbell and brought me breakfast in bed! Seriously....can that be any more thoughtful?!! I just cried. I was not forgotten! My kids and I enjoyed the yummy food together!

Nice face KJ!

The boys look really enthused about giving me their gifts!
Later, we went to church and all the kids went up on stage and sang a couple of really cute songs to all the moms. I just have to try to explain the way that Jack sang up there. Picture this in your mind if you can! Jack worked his way right up front....front and center! He had his backpack on of course (he eats, sleeps and practically bathes in his backpack). He didn't really know the words to the songs but pretended that he did. So he looked like a very animated version of a Japanese movie with English dubbed in. His lips did not match the words, and he had extra fun using his tongue to lip sync! He really was trying and it was so cute! We could not stop cracking up. We were crying we were laughing so hard.
Since Jack's Asperger's diagnosis, there have been days when I wonder what it would be like to have Jack just be 'typical' and then I realize that if he were, he wouldn't be my Jack. The Jack I love totally and completely with all his quirks and his funny personality. I wouldn't change him for the world. I know he was meant to be in our family. He has taught me more about life and patience in his short 4 years than I will ever be able to teach him in his lifetime. All my children have taught me more about love and life than I ever imagined they could. I always knew that I wanted to be a mother. I am grateful for the gift of motherhood, it brings me so much JOY! I hope my kids know that I love them to the moon and back and always will!
At the end of the day I was totally spoiled! Homemade gifts, cards, chocolate, flowers, pottery, a gift card and a delicious dinner at my Nana's house! A great day! The only thing that would have made it perfect would have been if Dan were here. But, he made sure to let me know he was here in thought!
And not to be forgotten, a BIG thank you to ALL the mother's in my life. My own mom, my mother-in-law, my Nana's, my sister....all Amazing women who exemplify what it truly means to be a mother!

I was able to spend the evening with all of these beautiful women! I love them! My mom, my little sisters, my Nana, and my aunt Tawni and Katie!

This is my super cute and newest cousin Brinlee! I just want to steal her!!

I took this of the boys exploring today at Nana's! Boys will be boys!
And as for the dishes.....they will just have to wait till tomorrow!