Monday, May 9, 2011

you are worth it all...

Last night (Mother's Day) after the kids were sound asleep in bed and I had some quiet time I started thinking about just how crazy each day of motherhood is for me personally.

Yesterday the kids were all chasing each other around with foam swords and they kept running behind my 'rear-end' as if it was a giant shield of protection. That is never a good sign. It's also never good when your daughter pinches the loose skin on your tummy and says, "squishy, squishy" (this actually happened today while we were in line at the Post Office). Nice. Some parts of my body will never be the same after motherhood. There are many parts that I'd like to get tucked and tightened, but that's just not practical when I'm running around all day just wishing that I had been blessed with a 3rd arm.
Here are some other things that seem to keep my life pretty crazy....I'm sure most mom's out there can relate :
  • The middle of the night nightmares that require cuddle time and patience when I'm extra tired. Or the middle of the night sheet change that is sometimes required.
  • All the Saturday mornings that are no longer 'sleeping-in' days. Actually make that every morning. I miss sleeping in.
  • I keep wishing I had my pre-baby skin back. I'm tired of the stretch-marks that tend to make certain areas look more like a road map!
  • I miss my car being clean without cheez-it's or goldfish smashed in the carpet and all the creases of the car seats.
  • I get discouraged when I see the mountain of laundry calling my name and chuckle a bit when I see rocks or 'treasures' in the bottom of the washing machine.
  • I miss the times when I could actually have a peaceful phone conversation. There seems to be something imbedded in my children that when I get on the phone, fighting and crying immediately break out. I usually find myself talking in the bathroom or pantry or any other small place that can drown out their noise!
  • There are times when I just need to find a quiet place to get 5 minutes of peace.
  • I miss grocery shopping with a list and having time to actually look down each aisle. I usually get half-way done with shopping when someone has to use the potty .... NOW!
  • I usually have a very sticky or dirty phone because the kids love games and I cave because sometimes I just need a sanity moment.
  • I miss being able to check-out at the store without my children begging for a treat at the register. (Whoever came up with the idea of marketing candy and treats at check-out must have not had children of their own!)
  • I miss watching Ellen or Dr. I'm nagging the kids to get their homework done.
  • I'm tired of asking: You're doing a potty you need to go potty? Did you flush the toilet? Did you wash your hands? DID YOU ACTUALLY GET ANY OF THE PEE 'IN' THE TOILET?!?
  • I'm tired of telling them they have to finish all of their dinner and then eventually setting the timer for 5 minutes.
  • I don't know how many times a day I have to say, "tell them you're sorry". No more hitting.
  • We sing the ABC's countless amounts of times, we listen to kids movies or kids music all the time. I miss my grown-up music.
And all of this is just in one day, and will have to be done all over again tomorrow.

Yet, no matter how tired and worn out I am, the GOOD-NIGHT kisses at night seem to make it all worth it.

My only hope this Mother's Day is that my kids will grow up and know that no matter what, their mom loves them. Not only loves them, but ADORES them. Being a mom is the the hardest yet greatest thing I've ever accomplished in my life. So today (the day after Mother's Day) I want to thank them for giving me the gift of being their mom.

I had a great day yesterday and was completely spoiled. It was so nice to have breakfast in bed, homemade gifts, a nice long foot rub, a simple and delicious dinner without dishes, and lots and lots of "I LOVE YOU's".

I also can't go without sending a BIG thank you to all the 'mom's' in my life. No words can express the gratitude I have for all of you. For what you've done to make our lives so great, and the love that you continue to show for us unconditionally. You exemplify what Mother's are supposed to be. Your examples have been such an impact on the way we live our lives.

"A Mother is the truest friend we have." - Washington Irving.

Happy Mother's Day!

This necklace is my new treasure. Olivia made this all on her own, and it literally took her hours. She was so proud of it and I am so in love with it. I will treasure it always. Her little fingers beading away was so cute. She is one determined little girl.


Esther said...

Happy Mothers Day Tiff! That was such a perfect post! Everything thing you said brought a smile to my face and a nod of agreement! And I wouldn't change a thing! By the way, you look GREAT!

McCandless Co. said...

Ok I have so many of those same things on my list....I doubt I am as patient and sweet as you are when it comes down to it though! What a cute mom you must be!
I got my very first "school-made" mother's day gift and I was in heaven...priceless right.

Mommy Moni said...

Happy Moms Day -- love you Sniff!!!

Tonya Jean said...

Such a sweet post! I can relate. Maybe not to ALL of it, seeing how I just have 1 daughter. So peeing outside of the toilet isn't really and issue for us ;) I miss sleeping in, too. But it is all so totally worth it! I'm sure, without a doubt, that your children know just how whole heartedly they are loved! Happy Mommy's Day!

The Gilleys said...

Happy Mother's Day. What a precious post! The funny thing is, I have all those things right now that you miss, and I can't WAIT to have it YOUR way soon :)

michelle said...

What a great post Tiff. At first I thought that was Heidi in your picture. With your hair getting long, you are looking more like her! I laughed at each of those things and it brought back all the memories of raising all of you. Now that I am in the stage of life where I don't have those things, I wish they would come back (well, most of the time) and it makes me a little misty eyed sometimes that life went by so quickly. You nailed this one right on the head. I love you Tiffy:)