Monday, June 8, 2009

Where has the time gone??

I can't believe that our little boy just isn't so little anymore!  Tonight KJ had his kindergarten graduation and it was so cute!  I wish I could post the video but it's too long, and most of you probably wouldn't want to watch it anyway!  We had graduation in the Summit High School auditorium and it was packed.  As any parent would be, we were happy, a little sad, and VERY proud of our little KJ.  He's been an excellent student and has really loved learning this year!  Thanks to his teachers for making it so memorable for all the kids.
BIG thanks to Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Craven for being such great teachers!
KJ made these pots to give to his teachers...he was so excited!
Some boys from his class
A zoomed in shot of KJ during the program
The Kindergarten Graduating Class!  Around 150 kids.
Keaton picked Red Robin for his special night!  We ran in to lots of families from school and some of our friends from church which was lots of fun!  Thanks Tasha for taking our family picture!
And a special Ice Cream Sundae for the Big Graduate!  We love you KJ!


KimnSam said...

How fun, enjoy every minute! You and your family are so cute and it's great to see you doing so well!

Alex said...

I still cant believe went so fast most of the time! Cant wait for summer!!!!

The Queen Bee said...

Can you believe we have first graders??? The school year went by sooo fast. Love the pics. Congratulations K.J.

Tiffani said...

he is such a cute boy! wow, he's big stuff now that he will be a first grader! i love the pots he made for his teachers, very sweet and it looks like you had a great night celebrating! : )

mimi said...

Congratulations to your adorable little guy! You have such a darling family! You are such a wonderful mother! Great pictures!