Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Parting is such sweet sorrow" ~William Shakespeare

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else".Ralph Waldo Emerson

This post is definitely bitter sweet for me.  As most of you know, we are ready to take a new path in our lives and we have decided that we are supposed to be in Boise.  We've been away from family for far too long and we are ready to reunite.  Whenever we are over there, the kids really have the best time playing with all their cousins and getting spoiled rotten by their Ninny and Papa and their Aunts and Uncle.  We're taking a plunge and hoping that everything else falls in to place!  That is the 'sweet' part.  The 'bitter' part is that we are leaving some really great friends behind and we will miss them dearly.  We've been here for over 7 years now and have made some really great memories with some of the best people around, but as the great Walt Disney once said, "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."  

We just hope that we'll still get to see everyone every now and then!!  (We love company, just remember that!)

Some really dear friends of ours were kind enough to throw us a 'going away' party and here are some pictures we snapped!


KJ's had a fun time growing up with all these kids....he's quite the ladies man!! 

I love these women!  And Alex, I'll miss our laugh fests (I'll turn up Mika and think of you!)

My friends know me very well to send me parting with LeCakery cupcakes and anything that has to do with Halloween and Candy Corn!

This is a sign someone made me to put in my new front yard! I love it!  And I'll be visiting often!

Once a week we get together for Baseball night and all the kids have a blast playing with each other!  This is the kid 'baseball gang'!  I took this picture tonight so we can always remember these fun moments with some of our favorite people. 

"Good-Bye Bend, Hello Boise!"

 PS- To any of Dan's patients who might be reading this...no need to fear, he's sticking around and will still be working here!!


Alex said...

so sad...but happy all at the same time. It will be nice to get around family. Great school. And all that. Payton is really sad...that just means we will visit for sure. This is not a sob fest, yet!

Happy Birthday! I will see ya tonight!!!

Brooke said...

Bitter sweet for sure. Sounds like you really loved Bend. Good luck in you new adventure I hope it works out for the best.

Tiffani said...

i love the walt disney quote! i will miss your laugh! how great to live so close to family! : ) you will be missed!