Sunday, September 27, 2009

One Year Blogiversary and 'Thriller'!!!

I am proud to say that I made it through my first year of blogging!!! I am so glad that I started this, as it has been a fun way for family and friends to get a glimpse of the happenings in our lives. I have learned that my memory isn't as sharp as I once thought. When something happens with my kids I always think, I'll NEVER forget that moment, and then tonight as I was looking through some old posts, I realized that I have already forgotten so much! Am I getting old??? Maybe it's all the lack of sleep over the past few years! At any rate, it's been fun going back through the past year's posts and 'reminiscing'! To celebrate, here is my new favorite video of Jack!! This kid never ceases to have us all laughing! It's also a tribute to the 'Great' Michael Jackson (who passed away in June) and proof that his music will continue to live on!! It's my kids favorite album right now and this is what happens every time we get to the end of the song "Thriller!" Enjoy!

(and here's another video of the kids and 'Thriller', KJ wanted to be in one too!)

Can't wait to see what the 2nd year will bring!


traci said...

I just love Olivia's outfit! :)

Brooke said...

Thanks! That made me smile!

KimnSam said...

So Super Cute!! It's fun to look back on old posts, I'm so glad they invented blogging!

Tiffani said...

those are awesome videos! jack is so funny!