Tuesday, October 7, 2008

8 years~ So short....so long.... all at the same time

Okay, so Jack and Olivia are taking a nap and Keaton is still at school, so I thought while I had a minute I'd get sappy on everyone!!  Once everyone gets home and up from naps I'll never find the time.  So... I realized that 8 years ago today is the day that Dan and I first met.  I remember it soo clearly.  I was living/going to school in Provo and he was living/working in Idaho.  He came down to SLC for general conference with some of my family.  They had been wanting us to meet and I just kept telling them "No Way, he's too old for me!"  Plus, I was having fun doing the whole 'dating scene' down in Provo.  I guess it's true when they say that when you're least expecting it, is when you usually find the 'one' for you.  Well, we all went out to dinner that night and the rest is history, we both fell fast and hard for each other.  We commuted every weekend until Winter semester when we couldn't stand being away from each other any more and I moved to Idaho to be near him.  It worked out great because I was able to transfer my intern hours to his office.  He's a dentist and I was a dental assistant, how perfect is that?  Dan proposed to me that Christmas in a VERY unique way (family will understand that one!)  I knew it was coming, but was completely shocked at the same time.  All my friends kept saying that it was way too fast, and that I was way too young, and they had good reason to feel that way.  But how do you deny something that you know is so right?!  We've had a great 8 years to say the least.   We've moved 7 times and hope that our next move will be the final move.  But who knows, we both enjoy change!  I think the best part of my day is when Dan walks in the door from work and all 3 kids jump up from whatever they are doing, run to him and yell, "DADDY!"  I love that feeling of total completeness, and at that moment I know that, "Yes" I definitely made the right choice!  I love my man with all my heart!


traci said...

That's awesome. It's fun to hear more about how you guys met!

Sammy said...

So glad to have you to blog stalk! Your kids are beautiful. Can't wait to meet you someday. David has some great stories about you!

Esther said...

I'm so glad that you have a blog now! It is a fun way to get to know your family. Your kids are adorable and I can't wait to meet all of your family!

Alex said...

i think thats super cute. now you have to write how he asked....

The "Eck's" Files said...

okay--totally weird. I have been keeping up with Mara Adams via a friend in Colorado Spring's blog. So I was "stalking" some of your friends, and one of them is Mara's aunt! Small, small world!
And I love the story of how you met! Ours is just silly and weird!! I like yours way better!