Monday, November 10, 2008

Our amazing weekend in Boise!

We had such a great weekend!  We always have so much fun visiting family in Boise but this was an especially great weekend because we were able to go to my brothers' 'Eagle Scout Court of Honor!'  I had no idea how many hundreds of hours of service that award entails.  Jess is such a great kid, I'm so glad my kids have him as a great example of what it's like to be an honorable man!  They really look up to him.  Here are some of the highlights of the weekend....
Jesse's Court of Honor~  I am so proud to call him my brother!!! Jack was in heaven with that HUGE pizza!  Olivia didn't want us bothering her.  Hey, at least she loves veggies!
Bryan sporting a vintage football uniform!
Coley and KJ, their famous dippin' sauce!
I had to add this one cause it was so funny to all of us who were there!  We had many, many laughs at Olivia's expense!  Poor girl, got my round buns!!  Hey, I guess the J.Lo booty is in now!

Ninny Shell and Jack spending some 'alone' time together!  Those are Jack's favorite times

Thanks to everyone for the memorable weekend!

1 comment:

traci said...

It looks like you had so much fun! I'm kind of glad to have all girls--that whole Eagle thing is a lot of work for the moms too! Olivia is going to kill you later for that picture! Funny though!