Sunday, May 10, 2009

You simply fill me with love....

I had a Beautiful Mother’s Day today!!  I had breakfast in bed, got to hear the children sing at church, opened some cute presents (some very creative ones at that), had my favorite dinner, went on a nice Sunday bike ride as a family, and then had strawberries and ice cream for desert!  All those things are so great, but the thing that really truly makes me love this day so much is that I have three little munchkins that call me mom.  I really don’t know how or why I was blessed to have them as my own, but I am grateful for them everyday.  Each of them so different, but each helped to build our complete family. 

As this mother’s day comes to a close, I can’t help but sit here and think of all the influential mother’s that have been in my life; 


First of all, my own mom, who is simply put, amazing!  I couldn’t have asked for a better mother to raise me, and now that I’m grown and a mother of my own, I’ve tried to use some of the traits that she has shown me throughout my life.  It’s a spectacular thing when a mother and daughter cannot only be friends, but the best of friends.  She’s also been such a great ‘Ninny’ to my kids, which makes me cherish her so much more!!


And my mother-in-law, Judy has also been so wonderful to have in my life.  She raised an honest, hardworking, loving son and I am forever grateful for that.  He’s been a great parent and spouse and he had to have learned it somewhere, right?!  Even though we live so far apart, the kids have a special relationship with her.  Thanks to you for being such a great grandma and mother-in-law!  I am lucky to have her as mine!


I also wanted to thank my 2 Nana’s for their constant love and support throughout my life.  I always thought that in a way, I was blessed with 3 moms.  I have an extra special bond with them.  They have lived exemplary lives, which I admire so much.


And lastly, I want my big sister Heidi to know how much I’ve admired watching her mother her sweet boys.  When I first saw her and her first son Jayden together, I saw the purest kind of love, and I couldn’t wait to have that for my own.  She’s been a great source of knowledge and someone I can always call for help, anytime, anywhere.

 I love all the women in my life everyday, but just thought I’d send an extra note to these amazing women this Mother’s Day.   It’s great to have a whole day dedicated to mothers and the greatness that comes from them.  I hope you all had an amazing day, as you certainly deserve it.

“God planted within women something divine that expresses itself in quiet strength, in refinement, in peace, in goodness, in virtue, in truth, in love.” ~President Gordon B. Hinckley

My yummy breakfast in bed!

They are the reason I love being a mom!

My beautiful flowers from my hubby and kids, a cute bag, sandals, 'dead' dandelions in a cup, a paper necklace, a mother-son spa coupon, a hand made little jewelry pot from KJ, and a cute photo magnet! Thanks!

The perfect ending to a wonderful day!  

Nothing is sweeter than your baby cuddling up in bed and falling asleep!


traci said...

That is a really cute bag! I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day. Your kids are so cute.

Alex said...

I know I just had a baby but I started crying at your beautiful! Im so glad you had a great day and it was fun to see ya yesterday! Thanks for waking Weston up!

McCandless Co. said...

Tiff that was so sweet! I love most of those women in your life too, they are so great. I bet that your kids are so lucky to have you as their mom, you are so darling. Hope you had a great day!

Ryan and Jill said...

That was a cute post. Sounds like you had a great day!!

Sammy said...

The last picture of you and Olivia totally made me cry. That's the sweetest picture ever! What a beautiful family you have!

The Queen Bee said...

What an awesome post. Thanks for sharing. You are a great mom and deserve the very best.

Tiffani said...

wow, what a special mother's day you had! sweet gifts! your kids and hubby really spoiled you! there is nothing greater that motherhood! i love the quote you shared from Pres. Hinkley. : )