Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let the countdown begin....

With summer finally coming to a close, KJ and I decided to make a list of 15 fun things that we wanted to do before school started (we're going to try to do at least one everyday). It is to make the most out of the last 2 weeks of summer break and to kind of 'celebrate' the last of our 'freedom' until school starts and we have to stick to a routine schedule :( So I'm planning on blogging a few highlight pictures of our last remaining play days!
Here are the first 5 things we checked off:

1. - Sleep-Over -
KJ has been wanting to have a couple of cousins his age come for a sleep-over since we moved here and we finally coordinated a night that worked for everyone. They had a blast and we all had very little sleep!! Those boys are FULL of energy when they get together, I love it!

2. - Camel's Back Park -
Going up....(that's KJ)
Coming down!
I remember going to this park a long time ago and I wanted to show the kids, so we drove around Boise until we found it. We ate lunch, hiked the sandy hill and played at the park! It was a lot of fun, especially sliding down the hill.

3. - Best park EVER! -
I didn't know there was water at the park, we didn't have our swim-suits, but we made-do!
Look at Jack doing his happy dance! He was in heaven!

My mom invited us to go to a new park that just opened up this year with some other kids from her ward. We all fell in love with this park, it is our new FAVORITE! It has a little bit of everything; a water play area, a musical instrument area and Huge play structures! (there was also a snow-cone stand, which was a big bonus for me!)

4 & 5 - The Zoo and Rose Garden! -
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(click collage to enlarge)
One thing the kids loved doing earlier this summer was taking a trip to the Boise Zoo, so they were so excited to get to go again. They all LOVE the animals! The best part is that it is super cheap on Thursdays. We all got in for $6.75! Now that's a cheap play day! After the zoo we had a picnic at the Rose Garden, it smelled soo yummy, it was peaceful and quiet and we each found our favorite color of roses!

Tomorrow will be #6!


traci said...

What a cool park with the water toys! It looks like you're having fun. I'm dreading the start of school. :)

The "Eck's" Files said...

I just took the kids to the Boise zoo and museum...always LOVED the 2 headed calf. That was always my favorite. We also went to the prison museum. The kids LOVED that too...added bonus, they decided they never wanted to go to jail! Yeah!! LOL
Have fun--Boise is such a perfect place, little, but big!! Lots to do!

Tiffani said...

that is was summer is all about...having fun outdoors! i wish summer would not end!
p.s. i love your blog title! very cute!

Tiffani said...

okay i need spell check before i post my comments! sorry!
i meant to say, "that is what summer is all about!" : )