Monday, August 31, 2009

We did it!

We survived the first day of school!!! I say 'we', because I think I was more nervous for today than KJ was. When we turned on to the street that the school is on this morning, my stomach churned a little bit and I asked KJ if he was nervous and he said 'just a little'! With us only being here a couple of months, we didn't recognize anyone this morning. A full school day seems so long, and we missed having him at home. When I picked him up from school he had a big smile on his face and he said he had a really fun time and he LOVES his teacher! This will be a great year full of new adventures and memories to be made! I can't believe I have a first grader! It's crazy how fast time flies. I am so proud of KJ for being so brave, even when his mommy wasn't!!
The 'typical' first day of school picture! Holding up the 1 for first grade!

Here I am trying to be strong!

Dad giving him some 'fatherly' advice!

Peeking in to his classroom!

This is his teacher welcoming him in to the classroom. She's so cute and sweet!

His desk

"Can this be the last picture Mom?" Isn't he so cute!?!

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