Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All about Keaton's Weekend!

Keaton had a full and busy weekend and he loved every minute of it.  My dad and little brother Jess (who, by the way, is not so little any more, he's dating and taller than me!!)  came to visit from Boise for the weekend.  And as everyone knows, those are 2 of Keaton's favorite people, he was soo excited to see them!  Saturday morning Jess and KJ played super-heroes  out on the trampoline.  'Uncle Jesse' as my kids call him is the best uncle in the world.  He still loves to 'get down' on the kids level and actually play with them.  I really admire that quality about him. And then it was time to go to KJ's soccer game.  He did awesome!  It was great to have my dad there to watch because my dad was my soccer coach when I was 6 years old.  I love watching things come full circle!

After the game we all went to Quiznos for
 lunch.  Then KJ quickly went to the church to practice his part for the Primary Program.  We came home, got him dressed in warm clothes, and the guys were off to the University of Oregon football game.  My dad is a HUGE Oregon Ducks fan! 

 The University Of Oregon is about 2 1/2 hours away and the game didn't start until 7:30 at night!  It would be a late night for the boys.  Luckily Oregon won the game and the guys went down on the field after the game. 
 KJ thought that was the best part (and the hot dog he got at 7-11!!)!

The guys got home at around 3 am, tired from an exciting night!  I had to wake KJ up for church at 8:00 because he had to be there for our annual Primary Program.  Anyone who knows KJ knows that he is a sleeper.  He loves his sleep!!  He was so tired but had his part memorized and did an amazing job!  He's an amazing kid, what more can I say?!


Alex said...

That looks like it was such a fun weekend. On the field...I have never done that! Super amazing!

Trevin and Kalisha said...

wow. . .I feel really embarrassed about the link from our blog to yours. I was having this problem reorganizing and remembering everyone's URL. And yeah. . I guess I got them mixed up. I am so sorry!! Thanks for pointing it out (I still feel really embarrassed). Your family is much cuter :)

traci said...

What a great weekend! You must love having your family close enough to just come for the weekend!

The Martins said...

Tiff! You snuck your blog in on in me. I am really dissapointed Alex didn't tell me! Excited to see you went for it!

Brian Norton said...

Wow, has it really been 8 years of marriage? Congrats! Sounds like you and your family are staying busy with all the kids sports games and making late night runs to far away college football games. I would have loved to do that as a kid, sounds so fun. Glad to find you on here. Its great to read about your life stories.

mimi said...

Hi Tiffany! I was so excited to find your blog:) It was so fun to read about some of the fun things that have been going on with you and your family:) What a beautiful family you have! I love your family picture...SO Cute...I would love to keep in touch with you! My email address is miriamn@live.com
Hope to hear from you sometime:)......Miriam Nicolosi