Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Me, Myself, and the kids...

This past weekend I was able to go to beautiful Coeur d'Alene!  A friend of mine from high school was having her wedding reception, and I haven't seen her for probably 6 years or more.  So I thought it was a great excuse to go on a road trip adventure with just me and the kids!  They did GREAT in the car.  What would I do without the DVD player on road trips??!!  It's a lifesaver.  I did get tired of listening to 'Blue's Clues' and 'Kung Fu Panda', but we did take a couple of singing and 'I spy' breaks.  I always love going back 'home'.  I really miss living by old friends and family, but it makes it extra fun to get to see them when we do go to visit.  Here are some pics from our weekend adventure.

 Our walk on the centennial trail that runs along Lake Coeurd'Alene.  It was a beautiful, sunny day.  It was fun to show KJ all the places I used to go when I lived there.  I ran this trail almost everyday when I was playing soccer, it was fun to go back.  I always forget how absolutely gorgeous it is there.

I love this picture of Nana.  Every night she sang to the kids while they sat on the kitchen bar and they loved it.  I don't know anyone who doesn't just adore this woman.  I hope that someday my grandkids love me half as much as I love Nana!

I had to add this picture cause it was one of the first jobs I had, I worked at the BEACHOUSE restaurant.  It paid for my schooling so I am grateful for it!  We had some fun working there and would always jump in the lake after our shifts were over.  I always said that someday I would be one of those customers who pulled up on their boat for lunch with some girlfriends!  Someday...

The happy couple and their first dance!

Me, Monica, and Kelli O.!

  At the reception with some old friends from high school, most of them I hadn't seen in 10 years, it was great to catch up on life!

Monica was my partner in crime back in the day!


Alex said...

Im so glad you had a good trip! Brave to take the kids alone! Its so pretty up there, I now know why people want to live there

Mommy Moni said...

We are partner in crimes - miss and love ya!