Monday, February 2, 2009

Aren't they supposed to have 'cooties'?!

Last Friday when I was picking KJ up from school his teacher asked if she could talk to me for a what?!  After the kids left she told me that she thought it was so cute that KJ had a crush on the 'new' girl in class.  She said that he keeps asking her if he can move to her 'group', sit by her in circle, and he asked his teacher to ask her if she would play with him at free time!  What?  I'm so confused.  I thought that Kindergarten boys and girls were supposed to chase each other at recess yelling, "get away from me, you have cooties"!!!  

Turns out that for the next few weeks we will be watching her on Monday mornings until they go to afternoon kindergarten.  This morning she came over to play, I saw it firsthand.  It was so funny watching them try to 'show off' for each other, it was so obvious.  I just got back from taking them to kindergarten and I heard her tell him in the back seat that she thought he was really cute, his face turned bright red.  REALLY?!  Should it really be starting this young?  Well in any case, KJ officially has his first kid 'crush'.


mimi said...

LoL....How Sweet!!!!

Alex said...

That is so cute! Isnt that Christian (sp???) from church?

ScrapMetalMan said...


Brittany said...

watch have a little ladies man!! How sisters claim I had kissed the whole neighborhood (which I fully deny) and I turned out just fine.

Brian and Marnae Powell Family said...

ok, you gotta get some soup! Go to the Village Baker over off of Simpson and 14th I belive, by John Dough's pizza kind of. So yummy. Actually everything there is.