Monday, February 9, 2009

Snip, Snip!

Tonight was our monthly 'hair-cut' night (how does boy hair grow so fast?)!  We have to do a buzz cut on Jack cause he's so wiggly, the only thing that keeps him on the stool is telling him he gets to pick a treat out of the 'treat box' once we're finished.  He had us all laughing so hard tonight!  He was playing hide-and-seek with the cape and the hair kept going in his mouth and he was spitting all over trying to get the hair out.  Yuck!  I tried to snap a good picture of how much hair he had in his mouth, but it didn't show up very well on the picture.  We thought it was so funny, you just have to know Jack to appreciate this!  He always keeps us laughing, he makes normal situations so much fun! 

Here's the hide-and-seek part!


Alex said...

That is so cute! I can just picture his laugh...i love it!

Brittany said...

I think we need to meet this Jack he seems like such a character. Maybe I should give Evie a buzz, she wont hold still either..hehe!

Brooke said...

I kind of dread hair cut days... they come so often. I cheat sometime and take them all to super cuts or something!But what a cute little guy have!

Brynn said...

I love these pics, too funny!

Yes, I tagged you! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

RocketBox Boy said...

I love how the hair got stuck to his face from hide and seek! So funny and cute!